Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to School Family Traditions

School starts next week!  Are any of you with children returning to school ready?  Back to school time is always bittersweet for me.  Though I enjoy the quieter days, structure, and fall weather, I miss my children when they are in school.  Some of my friends call me crazy, but I know there are others that feel the same way.  I enjoy  my children, and I can't wait for them to walk in the door at the end of the school day! What am I going to do when they are in college?!!!  Anyway, one of my kids' favorite family back to school tradition is our back to school brownies.  A simple, yet memorable treat to look forward to when they walk in the door.  They get to choose either brownies with vanilla icing and sprinkles, brownies with powdered sugar, or just plain brownies!

Another tradition they are not fond of is "practicing getting up early 3-4 days before school starts to get back into routine.  My teenagers who like to sleep until 1 or 2 pm have to get up for school at 6 a.m., so this tradition is very important so they make it through the first day of school without falling asleep!  If any of you have favorite back to school traditions, please post or email me!  I would love to hear them!
Many Blessings to you and your family!
The Queen Mama
PS-The Gooseberry Patch CookBooks and Christmas Books are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES!!!  I collect them and have TONS!!!!

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